Candlewood Knolls Marine Rules & Regulations

All residents currently assigned a boat slip and /or wall space will maintain assignments until such time as one of the following criteria are met:

  • Resident is not current with his/her tax payment status
  • Boat ownership is not maintained with a valid registration on file in the property owner’s name
  • Replacement vessel exceeds CK marine specifications
  • Seasonal payments are not made in full prior to May 1st of each calendar year 
  • Re-assigned by the Marine Committee
  • Any Marine Rules & Regulations are violated
  • Boat ownership is not maintained with current insurance on file of a minimum of $300,0000, property damage liability AND liability, in the property owner’s name.

Assignment of Boat Slips and Wall Spaces

Dock spaces will be assigned first on a priority basis to community stockholders and then to non- stockholders, if any slips remain. Stockholders also have priority over non-stockholder for any slip change request before any slip is assigned to a non-stockholder.

All stockholders and non-stockholders must pay their fee by May 1st to hold their slip from the previous year and they must identify ownership of a boat in the property owner’s name.

For stockholders or non-stockholders who do not own a boat, but who plan on purchasing one and want to reserve a slip, they must pay their full marine fee by May 1st and show ownership by July 1st to reserve a slip. If no ownership is identified by July 1st, their marine fee will be forfeited.

The Marine Committee will assign any remaining open slips after May 1st to both stockholders and non-stockholder based on a first come first serve basis. After May 1st once a slip is assigned to either a stockholder or non-stockholder, it is permanent for the remainder of the season. If no slips are available after May 1st new stockholders or non-stockholders who submit a slip request will be put on a waiting list for the next season or will be assigned a slip after July 1st if a slip opens up.

Slip assignments are filled in the following manner every year:

  • Candlewood Knolls Community (CKC) Stockholders with a slip in the previous year.
  • CKC Stockholders requesting a new slip based on date requested.
  • Non-CKC stockholder property owners with a slip in the previous year.
  • Non-CKC stockholder property owners requesting a new slip
  • Renters with a slip in the previous year
  • Renter requesting a new slip


  • Property owners must be current on their Candlewood Knolls taxes to rent a slip.
  • One slip per property owner or renter unless there are un-rented slips. (i.e. The owner of a property and the renter of a property may not both have slips.)
  • If there are un-rented slips, they are filled in the same manner above.

Slip Assignments Exceptions

From time to time, in order to ensure full utilization of our marinas, the Marine Committee may allow exceptions to the rules above for the assignment of slips. These exceptions would be limited to two criteria: More than one boat per household and to relatives of the primary homeowner.

These exceptions will apply only if slips remain after the primary stockholder and non- stockholder’s requests have been fulfilled. Slip exceptions will be prioritized first to stockholders and second to relatives of stockholders. Priority will be assigned to competing stockholders and relatives on the basis who most recently held the slip from the previous season and second to the date when the slip request was first received.

None of these slip assignments should be considered permanent status from year-to-year and will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Marine Committee on their individual merit and qualifications. However, once a slip is assigned after May 1st for a given season, the slip assignment is permanent for that season only.

The Marine Committee has the right to assign and/or re-assign any dock or wall space.

SALES OF BOATS WITHIN THE KNOLLS COMMUNITY: The sale of a boat within the Knolls does not transfer the dock space, which that boat previously occupied. The new boat owner must apply for a slip as per these rules and regulations.

NUMBER OF SLIPS ALLOWED PER STOCKHOLDER: No more than one (1) dock space and one (1) wall space will be assigned to any resident, or seasonally assigned to persons renting resident’s property. Temporary assignments may be made per the policy for Slip Exceptions stated above.

SUBLETTING OF BOAT SLIPS: Under no condition will subletting of dock space be permitted. The unauthorized use of marine slips will result in revocation of docking privileges of assigned resident.

TRANSFER OF SLIPS ASSIGNMENTS: Under no circumstances will a resident be permitted to re-assign their slip or wall space to anyone.

ELIGABILITY TO RENT: Candlewood Knolls property owners who are not current with their tax payments or who have unresolved tax delinquencies are not permitted to use marine facilities.

ILLEGAL PARKING OF TRAILERS: Trailers are NOT to be left at any beach and/or boat launch area. They will be removed at the owner’s expense. If for any reason the trailer’s removal is deemed to be a non-viable alternative, a $20 a day fine will be imposed on the violating resident. Residents or their guests trailing their boat to the launch are expected to remove the trailer immediately after the boat is launched.

ABANDONMENT OF SLIP: If, by July 1st, a dock space has not been used, the resident will forfeit that space and that slip will be permanently re-assigned to the next resident on the waiting list unless good cause is shown to the Marine Committee.

MAXIMUM SIZE OF BOATS ALLOWED AT SLIPS: The Marine Committee’s objective is to accommodate the needs of the boating community as much as possible. Given space availability, application for boating craft up to 26 feet long will be accepted for a dock space or a wall space (depending on craft type). The Marine Committee will make every attempt to keep previous dock users in their same dock space from the previous season; however, it reserves the right to assign a change in dock space or beach assignment when there is a change in boat size.

For all marine policy exceptions and/or modifications, the Marine Committee is required to review the application and its rationale with the Board of Directors for approval. The Board of Directors will make a decision based on the best interests of the community as a whole.

CAMP ARDEN ROAD TRALER STORAGE: Seasonal storage of boat trailers at the site off Camp Arden Road is limited on a first come, first serve basis. Trailers must be tagged with owner’s name. Only one trailer per resident will be allowed until the end of the second week in July. After that, more than one trailer per resident may be allowed if space is available. However, the trailer must represent a resident’s boat in the community.

ILLEGAL VESSELS: Any vessel secured at a boat slip or wall space, which is in violation of these rules, and regulations, will be removed by order of the Marine Committee to a commercial storage company at the sole expense of the boat owner.

PURCHASE OF A NEW VESSEL BY A STOCKHOLDER OCCUPYING AN EXISTING SLIP: If during the season a resident sells their registered boat and purchases a new boat, the resident must provide all required vessel information and obtain committee approval before securing the new boat in the previously assigned space.

DELAY IN REMOVAL OF BOAT FROM SLIP AT THE END OF THE SEASON: Any resident whose boat continues to be secured to the Knolls docks after the posted date for boat removal will automatically forfeit their assigned dock space. In such an event, the resident must re-apply for a dock space, as per these Rules and Regulations, for the following season.

BOAT RAMP AND KEYS: The Candlewood Knolls Boat Ramp is for Knolls property owners and their guests only. Ramp keys will be issued to residents only.

DOCK HARDWARE: Absolutely no additional dock hardware will be allowed on the docks, unless you have prior written approval from the Marine Committee. This policy includes the surface, sides, and/or under-carriage of the docks. Where it can be ascertained that a slip user uses unauthorized hardware or damages the dock as a result of improper use of hardware, the slip user will be responsible for the cost of repair and will result in the revocation of one’s slip privileges. Refusal to pay such cost will result in the permanent suspension of the use of the slip.

The only exception to this policy will be for those slips that have been specifically designated for jet skis, where, for the protection of the jet skis and the docks, additional commercial hardware is recommended. However, you must have approval from the Marine Committee before installing any hardware.

SAFTEY AND REGARD: All vessels must be safely and securely fastened as not to cause hazardous conditions or damage to docks, neighboring boats or other surrounding property. Where a beach captain identifies an improperly tied boat that is threatening damages to either the dock another boat, the beach captain will properly tie the boat with the owner’s rope if available. If the needed rope is not available or is in poor condition, the beach captain will use the marine committee’s supplemental rope supply and bill the owner to pay for the cost of the rope being utilized. Failure to pay will result in the suspension of slip privileges until payment is made.

Personal possessions such as boat covers, coolers, skis, ropes, etc. are not to be left on the docks at any time.

Adequate marine grade lines should be used to secure the boats. Substandard lines will be removed and replaced with the proper lines at a charge to the boat owner in order to prevent possible damage to the docks.

All Bimini tops should be lowered at the end of the day to prevent them from catching the wind which could cause the docks to shift in inclement weather.

LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES: Candlewood Knolls is not liable for damages that occur to vessels due to: storms, other boaters, etc. Slip usage is at the renter’s own risk.



Boat Slip: $450
Wall Space: $60
Personal watercraft: $60
Kayak Rack: $60
Jet Ski Platform: $350 

Non-stockholders (if available)

Boat Slip: $900
Wall Space: $120
Personal watercraft: $120
Kayak Rack: $120
Jet Ski Platform: $700 

Boat Ramp Keys: $20 plus a $50 deposit (refundable upon key return) Total: $70

Rules for Lost, Stolen, or Misplaced Keys:

1st Replacement Key - $50 (non-refundable)

2nd Replacement Key - $100 (non-refundable)

Find the 2023 fees and forms here 

Last Updated: 3/13/24